Toni Huata
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Te Matatini! Takitimu Karanga tour! Mohaka Video launch!

Since our last article we've been busy organising the Tākitimu Karanga Tour, Toni has been teaching, performing locally and everyone's counting down to Matatini 2017; where Toni will be participating as an MC. We're also very excited about the upcoming launch of Toni's new music video Mohaka. The track is from Toni's Kahungunu Maranga CDand a special edition with bonus tracks will be available for purchase. The extra tracks were penned by Te Okanga Huata, and include some of Toni's favourites: 'Ko Wai Ka Hua' (Te Māori e album) - a love jazz ballad written for Toni's grandmother Ngaro Rangi and the 28th Māori Battalion. 'Te Māori e' (Te Māori e album) - commemorating the Te Māori exhibition in the 1980's, 'Whakarongo a tai' (Mauri Tō album) - celebrating our connections to our Pacific cousins and origins, 'Ngā Tukemata' (Mauri Tō album) - performed by Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga and Toni's heartfelt rendition of Te Taite Cooper and Bishop Max Mariu, Kahungunu favourite,  'Te Hokinga Mai' (Whiti album).  ‘Kahungunu Maranga CD’ is available online, in store, National Museums, Art Galleries, distributed by ODE Records and available for sale by Huia Publishers in the Whanau Village at the Te Matatini 2017 Kapa Haka Festival in Hastings from Feb 23rd 2017. See Toni and many more in the following dates whanau!

  • 18 February, 4am - 7am, Takitumu ki Rarotonga Pou Unveiling, Civic Square, Hastings,Toni MC
  • 22 February, 11am, Te Matatini Powhiri, MC Lean Park, Napier
  • 22 February, 6 - 10pm, Ngatarawa Winery, Hastings
  • 23 February, 3:30pm, Pavillion Show, Kahungunu Festival, HB Sports Park. Hastings
  • 24 February, 8:30pm, A Night of Drag, Bar 2013 Karamu Rd, Hastings. Tickets $25.00
  • 24 - 26 February, 8am - 8pm, Te Matatini 2017, HB Sports Park, Hastings, Toni MC
  • 25 February, 6 - 9pm, (Toni 8pm) FREE Kahungunu Beach Party, Marine Parade, Napier 
  • 24 - 26 February, 10am - 2pm, Kahungunu Pavillion, HB Sports Park, Hastings, Toni MC 
  • 4 March, 5 - 7pm, Concert & Mohaka music video launch, Waipapa a Iwi Marae in Mohaka, with Toni Huata, Brannigan Kaa, Adrian  Tangaroa Wagner, Peter & Noeline Hawkins and many more.

A big kia ora goes out to NZ On Air for funding another Toni Huata music video and to Penn Productions - Scott and Hayley for doing a stellar production yet again and to Director Jharaz Kirione-Williams for working so easily with all the whānau talent on the day. Another special mihi goes to Te Okanga Huata-Wagner and Ashanti Culshaw both 12 years at the shoot and who with no acting experience both captured the spirit of this kaupapa and are just a delight to watch. We've got a busy fortnight ahead....Enjoy!

Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa...mauri ora!


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