Wairoa Film Festival - Mohaka & Matariki!
Since our last newsletter we've been busy organising the final leg of the Tākitimu Karanga Tour,
Audiences have seen Toni perform at a variety of events including the IPENZ awards, and
ReCut, a dynamic project where Tory Street was transformed into a magic urban performance
stage. We are also counting down to the Wairoa Film Festival in June where Toni's music video
Mohakawill feature as the opening film and the very recent Tākitimu Karanga show where Toni
organised a fantastic line-up of artists from both Ngāti Kahungnu and of the Tākitimu canoe
to honour our Mums on Mother's Day.
- 07th April, IPENZ awards (The Fellows’ and Achievers’ Awards) Wellington
- 28th April, ReCUT. Tory Street, Wellington
- 14th May, MOTHERS DAY Tākitimu Karanga Tour performance. Karaka Cafe. Wharewaka, Wellington from 2pm - 5pm
- 2nd June, Wairoa Film Festival, Kahungunu Marae, Wairoa (Film Festival season 2nd - 5th June)
- 3rd June, Wairoa Film Festival awards, Key note speaker Tame Iti. Gaiety Theatre, Wairoa
- Kahungunu Matariki 9, 16, 17 June - Tamatea, Hastings, Napier,
- Matariki 14, 20, 21 22 23 24 June - Vic Uni, Otari, Dowes, Upper Hutt, City Gallery, Tapu te Ranga Wellington
- 30 June / 1 July, Tory Street Re Cut, Wellington
See you in Queen's Birthday Weeekend in Wairoa whānau. Have a great month,
and look out for Matariki performances around the country and another
Tory Street Re Cut perform end of June.
Toni's personal story also featured in the Mother's Day edition of
New Zealand Women's weekly - we're all about sharing, inspiring others and
keeping it real!
Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa...mauri ora