New Video - Hopukia te tao for Maori Language Week 2015!
Kia ora tātāu,
We are getting close to the video release in Māori Language Week and the Matariki Tour has been stunning.
Here are some thoughts on the video to come...very exciting!
“I look at my family and a lot of them make their dreams a reality. So I wrote with that in mind. [The track Hopukia te tao] It is about being brave, speaking up and making choices. Cousin Hira with our family dialect, Paddy Free's production with stunning musical composition from Gareth Farr was the perfect collaboration for this song.”
Huata’s philosophy is one close to Dr.. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere’s heart. Pere who agreed to be in the video is a relative of Huata’s late grandfather, Te Okanga (Aussie) Huata. She was made Young Māori Woman of the Year in 1971, and for the past 40 years has been involved in education, community development and language revitalisation. Huata says “On the day of the shoot Koka Rose was amazing driving from Waikaremoana to Napier through a storm. Luckily by the time her plane landed in Wellington she was greeted by sunny skies, whānau and crew."
The cast also features Toni’s own daughter Ropine Anihaka Huata-Wagner, aged 6, who makes her screen debut in a touching scene with Pere. Huata’s producer husband Adrian Tangaroa Wagner says “the three day shoot went very smoothly, the crew were organised and the weather was unbelievable, especially for Winter." Auckland based film crew, Penn Productions, brought a narrative quality and professionalism when filming at the locations around Porirua, Pukerua Bay, Wellington and Wairarapa.
Equally passionate about Māori Language Week, Huata says she is excited to contribute to the week long campaign with the launch of the video. “We all know that Māori language is a part of who we are and not limited to a week but I am humbled by the generosity given by everyone involved. Koka Rose, our daughter Ropine and the lovely Acushla-Tara Sutton all embodies everything I had in mind when I wrote this song - a story of family, women, connection, choices and journey.” Many thanks to NZ on Air, Film Wellington, Porirua City Council and Penn Productions for their support to the video.
Toni will screen her new video and perform in Waikaremoana at the Takurua-a-Mere Celebration then at
A celebration of Māori Music from Ngāti Kahungunu, Karaka Café, Wharewaka on Wellington’s Waterfront at 5.30pm, Tuesday 28th July, 2015 - alongside Brannigan Kaa, Kirsten Te Rito, Matiu Te Huki and Te Kura o Otari. Kai, drinks and music available for purchase at the venue, entry by koha (donation), all are welcome.
RSVP's essential to for venue capacity.
The video will also feature as part of a Māori Language Week installation at the National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aoteraoa, Molesworth Street Wellington.
Māori Television and Mana magazine will also feature Hopukia te tao music video that week.