Aotearoa Allstars at 'Te Rā o Waitangi'
AOTEAROA ALLSTARS will join the line up at 'Te Rā o Waitangi' - a free, whānau-friendly event in the heart of the city where we can honour the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, acknowledge our history, and recognise the power of coming together – and everyone is invited!
Bring your friends and whānau, and enjoy an award-winning line-up of Māori performers, food, and culture.
12 noon - Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika | Welcome speech by her Worship, Mayor Tory Whanau | MC Paora Sweeney
12.20pm - Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna
12.50pm - Tararua Taonga Puoro
1.25pm - Amba Holly
2pm - Jah Glory
3pm - Aotearoa Allstars
4pm - AJA
5pm - TOI
6pm - Closin