Toni Huata appointed as Kaihautū Puoro Māori

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Toni Huata, Ngāti Kahungunu and Rongowhakaata, has been appointed to the newly established role of Kaihautū Puoro Māori - Director of Māori Music at SOUNZ Centre for New Zealand Music. 

This new role will be responsible for the implementation and development of SOUNZ’s Māori Music Strategy. SOUNZ Executive Director, Diana Marsh, said, “This full-time leadership role is a significant new direction for SOUNZ as we intend to work with Māori composers to expand our collection and the work that we do to represent the music of Aotearoa.” 

“SOUNZ is delighted to appoint such an experienced candidate to this role,” said Diana Marsh, in announcing the appointment today. “Toni has shown a strong commitment to Māori music through her work with numerous organisations in both leadership roles and as a composer and musician, and we are fortunate to have her join the SOUNZ whānau to further promote and share the music of Māori composers.”

Ms Huata says, “I'm very happy to support SOUNZ in this new role and acknowledge all that have contributed towards the fruition of this journey. I look forward with much excitement to connecting and collaborating with many organisations and composers in this coming year; highlighting our uniqueness yet commonality from our special place in this world - Aotearoa. 
Nō reira, āku nui, āku rahi, kā nui rā ngā mihi ki a koutou mō tō koutou tautoko ki te kaupapa kai mua i a tātau. E rere e te huata hopukia, e rere e te manuka tomokia.”

Toni Huata brings a wide variety of skills to this role, including manager, director, producer and performer. Toni is well known within the culture sector in New Zealand as a practitioner and promoter of Māori culture, music and performance. She has served in governance roles with Te Runanga o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Whanganui ā Tara, Pūatatangi - Toi Māori Aotearoa, Taki Rua Productions, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated and other iwi and Māori agencies.

SOUNZ would like to thank the Lottery Grants Board and Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori for their support of SOUNZ's Māori Music Strategy and this role.

SOUNZ Centre for New Zealand music works to champion the music of New Zealand’s composers. SOUNZ is home to a diverse and vibrant collection of information, scores, recordings and films of New Zealand music and performances. Creative collaborations with partner organisations such as the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, RNZ Concert, APRA and NZ On Air highlight the organisation’s ongoing growth and development through events and projects that promote the music of Aotearoa to national and international audiences.


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Announcing the release of ‘Ha’ music video online! Live now at

And Toni Huata’s 7th studio album

‘ Te Rerenga – The Journey ’ LIVE NOW 

Open in:


Shot against the backdrop of the greater Wellington region and directed by Canaan Akuhata-Brown, ‘Ha” explores the day to day challenges that face many whanau and the beautiful depths of love within us all, as they come together, 

to dance against the odds.


 ‘This is our whānau mental health kaupapa. For when we’re overwhelmed or challenged in life - all we need to do is to take a moment, breathe and trust that balance will be restored once again. I think the video is fantastic in capturing whānau leaving any woes behind and just letting their hair down! Simply put by Motion Valley – ‘We follow numerous people in their daily life as they struggle and feel overwhelmed. Each character then breaks free into dance to overcome the stress’. I think it is positive and uplifting in all their own unique way! -Toni Huata


Cast: Toni Huata, Adrian Wagner, Te Okanga and Ropine Huata-Wagner; Lois Reid, Maureen Collins-Lucic, Kelly Te Moananui, Te Aranga, Tyler and Rina Mata; Arohanui Watene, Chris Clegg,  Matt Renata, Tui Innes, Nicky Finn, Timon Zeiss, Christine Godetz, Sophia Stephens and Stainton Anderson.


Proudly supported by Te Māngai Pāho and with many thanks to Motion Valley, cast and whānau.


Te Rerenga – The Journey’ released in both in CD and LIVE online at:

The Mākaro Room, Te Wharewaka o Pōneke - Function Centre

Thursday, September the 13 th from 5pm till 8pm

Announcing the release of Toni Huata’s 7th studio album ‘ Te Rerenga – The Journey ’

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Māori Language Week 10-16 September 2018


Hot on the heels of a very busy Matariki season and Māori Music Month. Which not only saw Toni Huata performing new works throughout Aotearoa, but also the release of both her new video singles ‘AIO’ and ‘WAIORA’. Toni is delighted to announce the upcoming release of her new album.

‘ Te Rerenga – The Journey ’


This 16 track album, is a collaboration between Pitch Black producer Paddy Free and Toni, including a reunion with renowned composer Gareth Farr. This album will be heralded by the release of the albums third video single ‘HĀ’ and the whānau friendly event TE RERENGA – He Reo Ora

- A night of Music, Kapahaka, Dance and Slam Poetry, in celebration of both Toni’s album release and Māori Language Week.


This stunning event with feature live performance from not only Toni Huata but also featuring performances from Te Kahu Rolleston, Timotimo, Te Kura Māori o Porirua, Brannigan Kaa, Horomona Horo, Te Kura o Ōtari and Toni’s debut videos. Taking place at The Mākaro Room, Te Wharewaka Function Centre

Thursday September the 13th from 5pm till 8pm

Entry by Koha, RSVP to is essential.



‘Te Rerenga’ is about a journey. From the journey of our ancestors travelling from Hawaiki to Aotearoa; to journeys of family, relationship, friendship and reconnection; to reflection, love, identity & homeland; to my own personal health journey over the past 2 years. We were very lucky to be supported by Te Māngai Pāhō for 5 music videos alongside this album and we thank all our whānau, cast and crew that were involved. We also thank all the musicians, composers and production team for the support creating this wonderful project. ‘Te Rerenga’ is a full array of genre from dub, ambient, world, dance, classical and soul. All the songs have their own story and it was particularly special to finally include ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and our Turakina version to the late Hone Tuwhare poem ‘Rain’

WAIORA - A New Video for Māori Music Month!

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Announcing the video release of  ‘WAIORA’ by Toni Huata.


In the wake of a busy Matariki season, which saw Toni Huata performing new works throughout Aotearoa. Toni in celebration August’s Māori Music Month, will be performing this weekend as part of ‘New World’, at ‘Aotearoa’s Most Talented’ on 16th, Te Mata Peak on 18th, ‘Te Reo Ki Tua’ on 23/24th and is very happy to announce the release of her new video ‘WAIORA” from her upcoming album ‘Te Rerenga – The Journey’ due for release during Maori Language Week 10-16 September 2018.

 ‘This song is my acknowledgement to our waters, the rejuvenation within our bodies and with the environment. ‘WAIORA’ refers to life water and is also one of identity. Our bodies are made up of mostly water so it is not surprising that we are affected heavily by the lack of water within our environment and ourselves. I truly identify with fresh water or waimāori and my river that influenced me growing up being Te Wairoa Hopupu Honengenenge Matangirau in Wairoa, which is also our reflective, spiritual waters – wairua. This song is one for inner and outer hauora and certainly one of refection” Toni Huata

 This stunning video by Motion Valley, features Oribe Maipi, in search of her truth and being drawn to what rejuvenates her and in the end what replenishes the land. It debuted exclusively at the Wairoa Film Festival in June and featured in the Māori Film Week in July.

Many thanks to Te Māngai Pāho, Paddy Free and Motion Valley for their support and the stunning locations of Wainamu and Studio63, ngā mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.

For more info please don’t hesitate to contact:

Vanessa Stacey


New Video - AIO out now!

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Announcing the ‘AIO’ video has released!

- Sign in, View, Like, Subscribe and Share!


It’s been a busy Matariki season already for Toni Huata. Having performed her new single ‘AIO’ as part of Wellington City Council's Matariki events 'Ahi Kaa' and 'ReCut5' along Wellington's waterfront and within many Matariki events around the country. Toni has also launched ‘AIO’ live at the ‘20th Wellington Gold Awards’ and screened 'AIO' especially at ‘Te Wiki o Kiriata Māori’ in Auckland. ‘AIO’ will be heavily featured in this Saturdays closing ceremonies, where Toni will premiere seven new songs from upcoming, yet to release album ‘Te Rerenga –The Journey’, as part of the festival closing ‘Matariki Sky Show’ fireworks extravaganza, all a part of the Matariki ki Pōneke festival.

To celebrate this, we are delight to announce the release of her beautiful new video and single ‘AIO’!

“It has been an absolute joy performing AIO throughout this Matariki season. Doing the track was energetic and inspiring with Paddy Free and all involved. Working with Motion Valley, our whānau on set and these fabulous dancers was also a real pleasure. Whitireia Park was magical with Tawhirimatea blowing his mauri around us and Tamanuitera shining brightly through us, an awesome tohu for our mahi with great acknowledgements to Ngāti Toa Rangatira. Many thanks always to Te Māngai Pāho for supporting this song and in our continued journey of Māori music and video productions. Hari Matariki ki a tātau!” -Toni Huata

For more info please don’t hesitate to contact:

Vanessa Stacey


Seeya later NZ Music Month & Kia ora Matariki!

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Kia ora tātau,

Welcome to new friends! This is our first newsletter for a while and there’s been so much going on. 

Toni launches a new website on Tuesday June 5th at 12pm and has have been back in the studio recording new waiata and remixing favourite tracks with producer Paddy Free and friends. The new 15 track album is called TE RERENGA - THE JOURNEY! Look out for teasers of every track when the new website goes live!

Five Music Videos and 15 songs for Release in 2018

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Toni on the shoot for AIO Music Video at Whitireia Park, Porirua, Wellington. This video will  be released on July 5th 2018! First announcement for the release dates for music videos: AIO, Waiora, Haa, Taihoa and Tahuri Mai

With many thanks to Te Mangai Paho, Motion Valley, NZ School of Dance, all cast, crew, locations and whanau support. 

HAPPY 2018! PAO PAO PAO Concert

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Happy 2018!

With the Summer festival season well under way and we want to wish everyone safe travels to these various, exciting events. So much has happened where Toni featured in the World of Wearable Arts, travelled overseas to the Hawaii Islands, performed around NZ with Tākitimu Karanga where this tour was a finalist in the Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori – Māori Language Commission Language Awards and Toni has begun her 13 track music project due for release in May and shoots 5 music videos in March all supported by Te Mangai Pāho – The Māori Broadcasting Agency.

One of the bigger projects Toni is producing this year is the renowned PAO PAO PAO concert.

Waiata Maori Music Awards Finalist

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Toni has just finished a series of stunning shows completing her tour and the Matariki season. Many thanks to #StephenACourtPhotography for this pic above from this magical evening in the WellyReCut Show and to Ropine Huata-Wagner for the pic below. Toni has spent the last month writing and composing and we thank Te Mangai Paaho for their support to 13 tracks and 8 music videos that Toni will start in November. Maori Music Month is upon us and Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori celebrate 30 years and Toni received news that she is a FINALIST in this years WAIATA Maori Music Awards on Sep 15th in Hastings. Soon Toni starts rehearsals for The World of Wearable Arts opening Sep 20th to Oct 8th before travelling to Hawaii.

Very exciting, nga mihi ki a koutou katoa

Wairoa Film Festival - Mohaka & Matariki!

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Since our last newsletter we've been busy organising the final leg of the Tākitimu Karanga Tour,

Audiences have seen Toni perform at a variety of events including the IPENZ awards, and

ReCut, a dynamic project where Tory Street was transformed into a magic urban performance

stage. We are also counting down to the Wairoa Film Festival in June where Toni's music video

Mohakawill feature as the opening film and the very recent Tākitimu Karanga show where Toni 

organised a fantastic line-up of artists from both Ngāti Kahungnu and of the Tākitimu canoe

to honour our Mums on Mother's Day.